Interrupt(8):callout for cascaded interrupts

SDMA interrupt entry is added in init_intrinfo().

 Identify SDMA interrupt source.
 * Returns interrupt number in r4
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
CALLOUT_START(interrupt_id_omap4_sdma, 0, interrupt_patch_sdma)
	 * Get the interrupt controller base address (patched)
	mov		ip,     #0x000000ff
	orr		ip, ip, #0x0000ff00
	orr		ip, ip, #0x00ff0000
	orr		ip, ip, #0xff000000

	 * Read Interrupt Mask and Status
	ldr		r3, [ip, #SDMA_IRQSTATUS]		// Status
	ldr		r2, [ip, #SDMA_IRQENABLE]		// Mask
	and		r3, r3, r2

	 * Scan for first set bit
#if 0
	mov		r4, #32
	mov		r1, #1

	subs	r4, r4, #1
	blt		1f
	tst		r3, r1, lsl r4
	beq		0b
	clz		r4, r3
	rsbs	r4, r4, #31
	blt		1f
	mov		r1, #1
	 * Mask the interrupt source
	mov		r1, r1, lsl r4
	bic		r2, r2, r1
	str		r2, [ip, #SDMA_IRQENABLE]
	ldr		r2, [ip, #SDMA_IRQENABLE]

	 * Clear interrupt status
	 * 09.17.2014: clearing the staus bit is moved to the eoi-callout since the status bit related
	 * to a channel can only be claered if the channel status register of the associated
	 * channel is cleared. Clearing the csr can't be done in a generic way here because the attached
	 * isterrupt service routines need to know the interrupt reason (block, fram, drop etc. ...)
	//str		r1, [ip, #SDMA_IRQSTATUS]

 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Acknowledge specified SDMA interrupt
 * On entry:
 *	r4 contains the interrupt number
 *	r7 contains the interrupt mask count
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
CALLOUT_START(interrupt_eoi_omap4_sdma, 0, interrupt_patch_sdma)
	 * Get the interrupt controller base address (patched)
	mov		ip,     #0x000000ff
	orr		ip, ip, #0x0000ff00
	orr		ip, ip, #0x00ff0000
	orr		ip, ip, #0xff000000

     * Only unmask interrupt if mask count is zero
	teq		r7, #0
	bne		0f
	 * Clear interrupt status
	 * see comment in the id-callout
	mov		r2, #1
	mov		r2, r2, lsl r4
	str		r2, [ip, #SDMA_IRQSTATUS]

	ldr		r1, [ip, #SDMA_IRQENABLE]
	orr		r1, r1, r2
	str		r1, [ip, #SDMA_IRQENABLE]


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